Tactical Training Academy

The #1 Workplace Safety Training & Consulting Agency
Quality Training
Indepth, Inexpensive, Internationally Acclaimed
Proud provider of Red Cross
First Aid/CPR/AED certifications

What is a Safety Audit/ Risk Assessment?
A risk assessment is a full analysis of the
very specific risks facing your area of work.
These hazards are quantified by likelihood of
occurrence and the severity of their impact.
This analysis can be multi-risk or single risk,
and allows you to focus your time and
resources addressing critical incidents
that will have the greatest impact on your
This analysis is typically made in conjunction
with a vulnerability assessment, by conducting
research and analysis of all variables,
including community demographics, national
and local data, interviews, surveys, review of policies and EOP documents, and an in-depth review of current technologies, systems, communications, and building infrastructure.
Depending on the depth of the analysis and the size of the requesting agency, risk assessments can take hours or several days to complete.
Risks found by the assessment are then addressed by annexes in the EOP, specific training, drills, and exercises.
Some common risks are:
-Workplace Violence and Violent Intruders
-Water Damage and Flooding
-Hazardous Materials Incident
-Threatening Letter or Package
-Medical Emergency
-Criminal Activity
-Severe Storms
-Bombs and Terrorist Activity
Find more information on our risk assessment standards here: https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1524-20490-7825/fema452_step3.pdf
Contact us for a quote or more information.