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Mission Adventure Camp

Tactics. Character. Leadership.

Seattle, King County &
Snohomish County, Washington

Combat Training, Defensive Tactics
Firearms Training, CQB Membership TTA
Handgun: Intro & Basics
Our goal is to provide high-level, realistic tactics training to students who would not otherwise have access. 
Our Instructors offer a public Intro to Lethal Force Class (open to all civilians, law enforcement, and military members). This is a no-obligation class (perfect for new gun buyers or those looking for additional training), and a pre-requisite to enter more advanced courses through the TTA membership program.

Tactical Training Courses & Membership

Firearms Classes

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Introduction to Lethal Force

 $50* per Student (4-Hour)

*Why so inexpensive? Our business clients foot the bill to keep this low cost for our community members. Learn more here

Our instructors invite you - regardless of your skill level - to bring yourself, your friends, and your family to this 4-hour course. Whether you are looking at buying your first firearm, struggling with the reality of killing or being killed, or simply interested in learning about legal Use of Force, this class is applicable to our current world.

This is an 4-Hour class and does not necessitate the student have or bring their own firearm.

This session is a prerequisite for the TTA Strike Team Membership Program. At the conclusion of the course, participants are provided with Membership details. 

This class Covers: 

  • Legal Use of Force and Attack Behaviors

  • The Psychological Cost of Killing

  • Weapon Calibers, and Terminal Ballistics

  • Considerations for Using Lethal Force

  • Safety

  • Use of Force Criminal Law (WA State Specific)

  • Myths of Lethal Force & Combat Fitness

  • Interactive Learning Scenarios


TTA Firearms Classes, Pistol and Rifle
  • Oct 05, 2024, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
    Granite Falls, 26920 Mountain Loop Hwy, Granite Falls, WA 98252, USA
    Discuss basic weapon function, Use of Force law, and what it really means to kill or be killed. Necessary for any person who has a firearm or is considering purchasing one. Prereq for all other TTA Use of Force Classes.
  • Oct 25, 2024, 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM
    Granite Falls, 26920 Mountain Loop Hwy, Granite Falls, WA 98252, USA
    Discuss basic weapon function, Use of Force law, and what it really means to kill or be killed. Necessary for any person who has a firearm or is considering purchasing one. Prereq for all other TTA Use of Force Classes.

Prerequisites: None
Required Gear to Bring: Comfortable clothing (closed-toed shoes and long pants required).
Recommended Gear to Bring: Note-taking materials. Plenty of water and snacks. 
*The $50 fee includes required follow-up reading materials for participants, provided in-class. 

Tactical Training Academy Membership: Strike Team Program

TTA Members consist of all age groups, experience levels, and professions brought together to hone their tactics - and character - when under attack. Members are divided into strike teams of 6 individuals or 3 couples. Each team meets monthly, to conduct advanced training, share meals, and study material, in accordance with the TTA curriculum.  

No experience is necessary. 

TTA Membership: Year One

Every person who carries a firearm also carries the responsibility of using it well. For years, elite military and LEO operations teams have been training using force-on-force simulation. The TTA makes this level of training available to its members. TTA Members are broken into strike teams of 6 individuals, who conduct training, development, and study together on a monthly basis. Members are required to make a 12-month commitment to their team and can include individuals and couples. Tactics courses covered over Year One vary by team skill level, but typically include:   

    • Fundamentals Under Stress

    • Building Clearing & CQB

    • Vehicle Engagement

    • Low-Light

    • Movement, Attack, & Enemy Recognition

    • Retention & Ground Survival

    • Scenario-based training

Training is a mix between classroom instruction, drills, force-on-target, and force-on-force exercises. You will learn to move and engage opponents individually and as a team. 

Year One members focus exclusively on mastering handgun combatives. 

Tactical Training Academy, Force on Force Training
Tactical Training Academy, Firearms Instruction

Intro to Lethal Force Class is required prior to membership access.

Prerequisites: Intro to Lethal Force Class

Required Gear: All training equipment is provided to members.

*Group sign-ups require at least 4 individuals.  

TTA Membership: Year Two

Graduates of the TTA's Year One membership program may be invited into Year Two.  

Year Two focuses on long-gun and handgun combination combat scenarios. All Year One topics are re-addressed with the introduction of the AR-15/ m4 carbine, and long-range engagement at 250+ yards. 

TTA, Long Range Marksmanship Tactics

Prerequisites: Year One Membership Completion 

Required Gear: A quality handgun and semi-automatic AR/ M4 / AK

platform and associated kit.

Intro to Lethal Force Class is required prior to membership access.


TTA Membership: Year Three

Proficiency operating under the cover of darkness is an essential element of success in most tactical engagements. Year Three membership focuses exclusively on night operations.

Tactical Training Academy, Night Operations

Prerequisites: Year Two Membership Completion

Required Gear: Year One membership requirements. Lights, IR laser, IR

illuminator, night vision goggles or monocular with mount.

Intro to Lethal Force Class is required prior to membership access.


Facility Use

Our leadership and training center may be available for use by organizations and agencies. Contact us for more information on facility use.  

TTA Firearms Classes, Pistol and Rifle
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