Tactical Training Academy

The #1 Workplace Safety Training & Consulting Agency

Services and Training for
Business & Corporations

On-Site Active Shooter & De-Escalation Training:
Class, Seminar, or Workshop (1-8 Hours)
At the end of the day, the level of training your team possesses -and the actions they take- will determine the outcome of any emergency.
In summary, our curriculum for violence centers around our expertise in training effective planning, prevention, and response techniques for violence. Our training program hones in on two primary types of aggressive human behavior: reactive and targeted-based aggression. Within these realms, there exist three key stages that humans progress through under conflict: anxiety, testing, and in rare cases, attack stages. Early recognition of these types of aggression, along with effective strategies to intervene in each stage (and before) encompass our core programs: Violent Intruder MED Training (attack stage), De-escalation Training (anxiety and testing stages) and Threat Assessment Team/EOP Creation (corporate prevention). Our training engages the deliberate brain function of participants through learning new recognition and response behaviors and then helps guide our trainees to “automatic” brain function: being able to actually act within a stressful situation in real life.
All of our training courses are taught by a cadre of professional instructors who hold a variety of Law Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security, and Emergency Management training certifications.
All of our programs are customized for your specific business and delivered on-site, where it will be most effective. Our programs have been proven effective in city halls, courthouses, hospitals, manufacturing businesses, international ports, and office spaces.
Classes, Workshops & Speaking Events
Flat Rate Cost: Varies By Location
NO Maximum Participants or Per-Head Cost!
Our Services:
Contracted Emergency Managers
Our organization provides qualified emergency managers and accredited instructors who can be directly assigned to help your organization identify workplace safety hazards, develop plans and policies to address those hazards, and empower your team through evidence-based training. This includes recommendations on the most up-to-date physical security practices, industrial and chemical hygiene, EHS, technologies, and incident management systems. Available 24/7, our emergency managers prioritize your needs to accomplish your safety mission in-house, both through on-site and remote work.
Onsite & Remote Training Programs
All of your employees need training in De-Escalation and Responding to Violence ("Active Shooter Training").
Your managers and specialty teams may need advanced training in threat assessment teams, investigation processes, use of force, and other workplace safety practices. Our on-site, in-person De-escalation, Responding to Violence: MED, Incident Command (IS-100, 200 & 700), and Threat Assessment Team training courses are highly sought-after sessions. Use of Force sessions, including certification in restraint, OC spray, and control/defensive tactics are available. Force-on-Force SIMS training can be provided to agencies upon request, with advanced firearm certification.
On-Site Risk, Safety and Security Assessments
Identify the safety risks most pressing to your organization, and receive a report of recommended changes to policy, procedures, physical security (CPTED), technology systems, fire/life/safety equipment, training programs, and other tools your team can implement to reduce or eliminate hazards at minimal cost.
Policy and Procedures: Review and Model Documents
Your company's legal backbone should align with best practices and current workplace safety standards. Our team provides model documents for your modification, adoption and distribution, or can provide suggested modifications to your current procedures.
Threat Assessment Team Facilitation
Responding to threats or concerns regarding acts of violence requires a professionally led investigation, a close partnership with several agencies, a sensitivity of communication, and a standardized best-practice approach. Let our emergency managers guide your team to safety through a multi-jurisdictional threat assessment team process, proven effective with students and adults.
Expert Witness Requests
Our master instructors and emergency managers serve as expert witnesses in a variety of settings, with litigation stemming from workplace violence, inadequate training, improper privacy intrusions or simply as best-practice consultation regarding workplace safety.
Drill and Exercise Facilitation
Engaging your team through fun and interactive drills, table-top exercises and functional/full-scale exercises improves the working relationship between stakeholders, your teams response during a real event, and cultivates buy-in among your employees regarding your safety program. Our team works with you to build and execute safe drills that will elevate your safety approach to the next level.
Contact us for a proposal.