Tactical Training Academy

The #1 Workplace Safety Training & Consulting Agency
Quality Training
Indepth, Inexpensive, Internationally Acclaimed
Lectures, Seminars and Speaking Events
Interested in having a professional, dynamic speaker
come to your conference, leadership event or speaking
event? Our Master Instructors are familiar speaking to
groups of 20-600, including command staff law
enforcement officers, local business managers, and the
public. Our team can provide one professional lecturer
or a quality team of instructors to kick your event to the
next level.
Allow our team to design a personalized, empowering
seminar for your workplace. We offer keynote addresses, lectures, and seminars of any length over any number of days. Our seminars often include more individualized break-out sessions, interactive learning environments, and hands-on training with even the largest groups.
Our seminars can be tailored for any workplace, but some common requests focus on Workplace Violence, Violent Intruders/Active Shooters, Defensive Tactics, Combat Mentality, Situational Awareness, Emergency Management, Use of Force Law, and Mental Health.
The TTA provides 24/7 on-call emergency managers that many districts, agencies and businesses rely on. If you're interested in a partnership with our team for multiple services, contact us for a proposal.
Take a look at our Instructor Tab for more information on our speakers and emergency managers.
In summary, our curriculum for violence centers around our expertise in training effective planning, prevention, and response techniques for violence. Our program hones in on two primary types of aggressive human behavior: reactive and targeted based aggression. Within these realms, there exist three key stages that humans progress through under conflict: anxiety, testing, and in rare cases, attack stages. Early recognition of these types of aggression, along with effective strategies to intervene in each stage (and before) encompass our core programs: Violent Intruder MED Training (attack stage), De-escalation Training (anxiety and testing stages) and Threat Assessment Team/EOP Creation (corporate prevention). Our training engages the deliberate brain function of participants through learning new recognition and response behaviors and then helps guide our trainees to “automatic” brain function: being able to actually act within a stressful situation in real life.